Thank you for coming to our Zomba TREEZ page :)

Malawi, among the very poorest countries on Earth, suffers from one of the worse rates of deforestation. TREEZ, our small conservation project operating as a Not for Profit in Malawi, and as a charity in the UK, aims to reverse the trend through community empowerment.

Its main goals are the protection, rehabilitation and the enhancement of the environment and ecosystems of Zomba Plateau Forest Reserve.  TREEZ aims to mitigate the damage caused by the loss of the biomass and help reduce the effects of climate change in the Zomba area through sponsoring village sports teams and conservation groups who earn money in return for eco-system services.

TREEZ works at raising awareness, tree planting, promotion of natural regeneration and fire prevention in order to increase water retention, reduce soil erosion, provide clean air and water, and protect and preserve Malawi’s biodiversity while generating income in the local communities.

TREEZ believes in putting communities first in order to ensure that conservation lasts.

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